Monday, August 18, 2014

Jared's 25th Birthday

I've come to realize I'm not great at taking pictures for my blog, however, I'm working on it. It was especially hard this weekend because we went to Lake Norman to celebrate Jared's 25th birthday. And when you're at the lake the last thing you want to do is be on your phone or take pictures of yourself while you're in a bathing suit. It always has to be a boobs and up picture for me because everything below that no one wants to see. Hell, maybe not even boobs and up. Any way we got to Lake Norman on Friday.


Taylor (Jared's sister-in-law) was kind enough to let us stay at her Maw Maw's lake house, and as you can see by the picture above this place is AWESOME. We grilled up some burgers to go along with a side of chips, and relaxed until it was time to head downtown.

We went to a place called Ri Ra's ( which is a pretty fun bar especially when they have a band, but the place can get packed. Like so packed it takes a good 30 minutes to get a drink - aint nobody got time for that. Booze is key when being packed in by what feels like a hundred people. I need to be drunk to deal with that. But back to Jared's birthday - the only picture I got is the one below - please take notice of Ben's awkward hand, and Blake's ecstatic face.

I'm pretty sure Jared had a good time because he couldn't talk or walk by the end of the night. Some people just can't handle their alcohol. The rest of the weekend was full of relaxation and alcohol. We consumed sunshine, margaritas, champagne, beers, wine, and I could go on. 

I guess now that we are getting older you get "old" person gifts for your birthday. See picture of him and his ladder below.

While he was up there I told him to clean the gutters - he started to and then realized it was still his birthday. Since living in the burbs I have tried to become more domestic, therefore, since it was his birthday I took a crack at making Jared this molten chocolate lava cake that he never shuts up about. I had consumed almost a bottle of wine (not a double bottle) before starting to cook/bake it, but I think somehow it turned out pretty well.

It was a great ending to the weekend where calories don't exist. Which leads me to a weight update - I've gained 5.6 lbs, but who's keeping track? 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you clarified on the bottle size. I thought you looked super skinny this weekend so tell the scales to shut it!
